Moorish Idol (Zanclus Cornutus)
What is the maximum size? They can reach 23cm.
Where is its origin and where is it exported from? The Moorish Idol comes from the Indo- Pacific.
Is it Reef Compatible? Not ideal, may pick at sponges and some other corals that they would naturally eat in the wild.
What should I feed it? Difficult to feed. Best to feed a varied diet with plenty of algae, frozen foods and live food. Keep with live rock as it’s a grazing fish and this will also help get it feeding.
How many can I keep? This fish can be kept on its own or 2 or 3 in a very large aquarium. Needs plenty of swimming space and also some hiding places.
How compatible is it with other fish? The moorish idol is a fairly peaceful fish. Best to acclimatise to a tank before any territorial fish are added.
Can it be bred in the aquarium? No