Danio margaritatus
Note: Due
to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image
Synonyms |
Celestichthys margaritatus |
Distribution |
Microhabitats, eastwards of Lake Inle, Myanmar. |
Sexual Dimorphism |
Mature males are more brightly coloured. Females
Maximum Size |
2.1cm (0.83?) |
Water Parameters |
Neutral to moderately hard, alkaline water is
Temperature |
21-24 deg C (70-75 deg F) |
Compatibility |
Community; Specialist community |
Lighting |
No special requirements |
This tiny but absolutely stunning shoaling species took the
fishkeeping world by storm in early 2007. Originating from small ponds heaving
with dense aquatic vegetation, Danio margaritatus is found in shallow areas up
to 30cm in depth. Ideally, this is a species that will be maintained in groups
of 10 or more in the home aquarium, not only for the fish to feel secure, but
also to further the chances of breeding. Larger groups will also help to
disperse any minor territorial squabbles between the males and this can be
further aided by the inclusion of dense planting for the recipient to retreat
into if needed. This fish should either be kept in a species-only aquarium, or
else with other small, peaceful fish species only. Try to keep 2 or 3 females
to every male. It may be of interest that the recently discovered, and as yet
undescribed, beautiful little Rosy Loach (Petruichthys sp.) was found to be
living alongside D. margaritatus in the wild. Due to the sudden frenzied
collection of D. margaritatus, sadly substantial damage occurred to much of its
natural habitat. Tank bred specimens are now becoming much more readily
available, and we would encourage the purchase of these instead of wild caught
fish wherever possible. May also be seen on sale as Fireworks 'Rasbora' or
Galaxy 'Rasbora'.
Small frozen foods such as baby brineshrimp, cyclops, and
daphnia, plus crushed flake and micropellets.
Best results are obtained with a small bare-bottomed
spawning tank covered with copious amounts of Java moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)
and the addition of a well-conditioned single male and female (additional males
will predate on the eggs). These fish are known to spawn in pairs, with around
30 non-adhesive eggs being produced per couple. The parents may try to consume
the eggs, a good reason to use profuse amounts of moss in the tank or even use
some form of separating grid underneath so that the fertilised eggs can fall to
safety. The eggs should hatch after 72 hours and the fry should become
free-swimming 48-72 hours later, although these times will be affected by water
temperature. The fry can be fed on infusoria, microworm, fine ?egg-layer?
powdered first foods or liquids, moving on to baby brineshrimp etc. It is not
unusual to see this species spawning every 48 hours or so.